Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Spiritual Memory....

Today I was able to witness something that I will never forget. I had the privilege to substitute in Primary for a friend of mine while they were gone on a vacation. Since being released last year, I would estimate that over 2/3 of the time I am in primary subbing for one person or another. Sometimes, I have kind of a bad attitude about it BUT everytime I sit in that primary room my feelings change and I sit and laugh, admire, and love all the children that surround me. Today was no different except I was kind of looking forward to subbing this time because I had 3 of my activity day girls. We had a great lesson on Zions Camp and they were great. What a remarkable time in the history of the church and a true test of faith. One of the girls couldn't stop laughing everytime I said Governor Dunklin (he was the governor who promised to help the Saints if they could gather together an army and then broke that promise). How fun these girls are! After our lesson, we gathered together for sharing time. We were told that we were going to do something different today. I am not going to go into details because it isn't my place to do so but there is a sister who is currently serving as the Primary Secretary who is very sick. So, the Primary president lined the senior primary children up and they walked to the Secretary's home. After loading all the children into this small area, the children sang four of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. I truly believe they were singing with angels. The music swelled in the room and the spirit was so overwhelming. I looked over and saw a few of the children crying and realized that I wasn't the only one feeling the spirit. After the children were done sharing this incredible gift, the front door was opened to let the kids know it was time to go. All the children looked at each other and none of them wanted to leave! Later, when I asked Julie why this was she replied, "Mom, couldn't you feel it! I didn't want that warm feeling to end." I am saving this memory in my mind and hope never to forget that "warm feeling" that penetrated the room this day. I was so blessed to be there and grateful for a wonderful daughter who felt and recognized the spirit.


Tim said...

Thats a neat story, it seems to always happen when you kind of aren't expecting it.

Cari said...

I heard that the primary children did that yesterday and I so wish I could have been there. From what I've heard, that sister enjoyed the experience as much as the rest of you.

Sonnet said...

Wow thanks for sharing that!