Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friends & Family Fun

Last weekend we got together with some friends we haven't hung out with in awhile and had a great time. Even though the entire "crew" wasn't there, we still managed to have fun swimming at my moms house. Here are the little one's playing in the hot tub.
Here we are after some good food and swimming. We had a blast thanks everyone!Tonight after watching the Cougars win Oklahoma 14-13, we were getting the kids ready for bed. James and the kids were playing with Jeffrey and this is what I happen to catch on video. Hope you laugh as much as we did!


Cari said...

I don't know of a sweeter spirit than Jeffery's! Love those videos. Oh, and go Cougars!

Diana said...

Serena loved the movies, she said "Jeffrey, again!" I am so glad she has a special love for him.

Becky said...

What a cute video!! Gotta love that kid!

Patricia said...

He is truly the love of my life!!!!