Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ticket To Ride....

We were introduced to this game by our friends, the Woolleys, about two years ago and we really enjoyed playing it. So when James & I were trying to figure out what game to get Marcie & Dan for Christmas last year, we thought Ticket to Ride, would be just the right ticket (I know, I am a dork!). It is a game that anyone 7 & up can play, as long as the people playing can read. And it is a great game to play if you are trying to learn the different major cities in the USA. While we were trying to decide what games to bring to Raft River, I thought of this one and called Marcie and asked to borrow it. She graciously said yes and we had a great time playing with the Deardens on our trip. On Sunday night, James & I decided that Julie and Jackson were old enough to figure this game out so we played it once with teams, the boys against the girls. The boys won but not by much! Since then, the kids have been begging to play again. So tonight, Julie, Jackson and I decided to play once before they went to bed. Jackson kept insisting that he didn't need help or anyone on his team. We started playing and pretty soon it was obvious that my little man had been paying close attention when we were playing as a family because he really didn't need help! He kept completing ticket after ticket after ticket. Pretty soon it was apparent that once again, Julie and I were going to get out butts kicked. And we did! Our final score 81. He rocked it with a final tally of 124!!! Good grief! All on his own, and he was mad at the end because I "cut him off". I am mad that I lost and proud of Jackson! What a smart kid! (He asked me to post this on the blog so everyone would know how good he is at this game. He is also asking who the best "Ticket to Ride" player is we know so he can take on a REAL challenge. Yep, that's my boy!)


Diana said...

Hey Jackson, sounds like you and I need to play! I won the game at Raft River, so I am ready to take on the McBride champion!

Anonymous said...

Um I'll be honest I'm probably not the greatest contestant but I'm willing to swallow my pride for some fun:)Let the games begin buddy! See you soon. Love you guys!

Cari said...

We love this game too, but if Jackson is looking for a real competitor have him play Jake Baxter - he can play the game with the best of them.

Karla said...

Jer's a pretty good trains player, too! It would be fun for Jackson to give him a run for his money! Way to go, Jackson, oh, I mean that 'smart kid'! We love Jackson!

Tim said...

I bet Jackson would beat the crap out of me. That is really cool

Daisy Chick said...

We love ticket to ride what a fun game...we have only played the European version. Great job Jackson.