Thursday, September 17, 2009

Time To Tell The Story

In my last post, I told you about going to a sick friends house to sing. I also told you that it wasn't my story to share, well now, I am going tell it. Suzi, knows that this information is going out so I don't feel like I am betraying any type of trust. Please read the entire story, you will see why at the end. This is Suzi's story put together from a newspaper article and a friend of ours:

Jake and Suzi got married 6 years ago. 3 months later, they were elated when they found out Suzi was pregnant. During the pregnancy, the doctors found a cyst on Suzi's ovary, that didn't go away over time. So 3 months after they welcomed little Natalie into the world, Suzi went into an operation to have the cyst removed. The doctors discovered the cyst was cancerous. Upon further inspection, they learned that she had Ovarian Cancer, and it had spread to many parts of her body. She immediately had to have a hysterectomy done as well as removal of a number of other organs.
Over the next few years, Suzi went through all kinds of chemo treatments, a number of surgeries removing more cancer infested organs, and countless hospital stays. A little before Natalie's 2nd birthday, they found the cancer was gone. Suzi was given a doctor's note stating that she would live a reasonable amount of time--thus making her and Jake eligble for adoption. They looked foward for the opportunity to continue to build their family. Suzi's hair grew back, her color returned to her face. In all counts, she felt healthy again.

About a year later, Suzi went in for a checkup. It was at this appointment they found the cancer had returned. Suzi started the whole process over again. She went through a number of chemo sessions, losing her hair all over again as well as a significant amount of weight, and many more hospital stays followed. Treatment after treatment showed the cancer was not slowing down or stopping, but Suzi kept on fighting. Due to her surgeries, Suzi suffers from frequent blockages in her intestines. Typically a few days stay in the hospital on a liquid only diet would clear these up. Suzi had yet another blockage the weekend of Mother's Day this year. She spent weeks in the hospital, but the blockage didn't clear. They sent her home with on IV and she was to be on an intravenous liquid-only diet for the next several months-unable to eat any solid foods and drink very few clear liquids in small amounts. She continued other chemo treatments through all of this which were painful and difficult.

A few weeks ago, Suzi developed an infection in her infusion site and returned again to the hospital. After staying a few days, the doctors told Suzi was told there was nothing more they could do for her and was sent home, given 1-3 months to live.
Through this whole sickness, I can honestly say I've never once heard Suzi complain. I have never even seen her go through a 'why me?' stage. I have never seen her angry or even depressed stage, In fact, it was often hard to know the seriousness of her cancer because she was so optimistic and happy-willing to take whatever was thrown at her with a smile.

Suzi's condition get worse everyday, and time is running out quickly for her. She is in a lot of pain, and is unable to eat anything. Her kidneys have now stopped functioning and she is retaining a painful amount of water. The cancer has now most likely spread to her brain, and she is losing her eyesight quickly. But, as always, she never complains, and even manages to find some excitement and anticipation about her next adventure "living with the angels" as she says. She still laughs everyday. She still finds time for loved ones. Of course, this hasn't been easy for her. As any mother can imagine, saying goodbye to your not-quite 5 year old daughter has been very painful and difficult for her, as well as trying to say goodbye to her loving husband, Jake. She is an incredible fighter, and though she is in a lot of pain, she is still holding on, finishing up those last few things she wants to do before she goes. She truly is, one of the most amazing people I've ever known. She has gone through so much adversity and has endured it so well, it is obvious why our Heavenly Father is calling her back home.

Due to Suzi's condition, they were never able to get any kind of insurance for her. Her family now faces a tremendous financial burden of funeral costs and even greatest costs in medical bills. This is added stress to an already sad and stressful situation. Although there is nothing we can do to help Suzi live, this is an area we think we can help--which is where we need your help. Help to give Suzi, one more smile.....

This is where you come in, yes, you read that right...YOU! There is a benefit concert and silent auction being held at Northridge High School in Layton, Utah on Thursday, September 24th. The auction bidding will start at 6:30 and go until 9pm. The concert will start at 7pm. Get ready to be excited because T minus 5, Mercy River, Gregory Pearson & David Osmond are all performing!!! The minimum donation to come to the concert is $10 per person and $25 per family. We have some amazing items lined up for the auction as well. If you are busy that night, then feel free to donate to one of two bank accounts set up at Wells Fargo and America First Credit Union under the name Jacob K. Baxter. For more information on this great event, go to This is for an amazing woman! Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sista! I love you and am here for you always! Know that Suzi and her family are in my prayers, as well as you my dear;) I am excited and honored to attend such an incredible event for such a wonderful cause. Love you and see you tomorrow night!