Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2 Loves in my Life.....

We all know that I adore James, and I think my kids are amazing! But, I have a confession to make, I have other loves in my life as well. And in the last three weeks, I have been able to enjoy these loves tremendously! Here it goes.....I love boating! I love sitting and watching people smile as they tube, wakeboard, or knee board across the water. I love putting my hand in the water as the boat is skimming the surface of the water and feeling the water beat against my hand with its cool caress. I love holding on for dear life as the boat pounds against waves that cause it to jump in the air. I love it all!!!! And I am blessed enough to have a cousin who enjoys boats as much as I do. If it weren't for Dave (and Brandy of course :) ) I wouldn't be able to take part in this love of mine. Being the oldest grandson and granddaughter in a family where my grandpa insists that his boat was the best investment he ever made, I guess it was meant to be that we would love boating as much as we do. Dave has a 7 seater boat that has been the host of many great memories in the past few years. Racing across Hebgen Lake and then slowly entering a small cove where the biggest moose I have ever seen is eating and creating a postcard in my head. Watching some of the young women bouncing across the water on a tube and smiling because they had never experienced anything like it before. Watching with pride while Jackson keeps asking to go faster on a tube when he was 4 years old. I could go on and on. A few weeks ago James was on a campout with the young men so the kids and I loaded up with my mom and headed up to Jordanelle to spend the day with Chris & Emily, Dave & Brandy and Eileen to celebrate Eileens birthday. Dave just bought a brand new tube and I couldn't let the opportunity pass. I had to give the new tube a try!!!! I know, I know, I shouldn't have done it with my foot but Dave was kind and kept it slow while Julie, Jackson and I had a great ride. After lunch, my mom and Eileen got on the tube. I don't know if I have ever laughed so hard in my life!!!!!! The looks that Eileen was shooting Dave as he took her on the ride of her life were priceless. We had an amazing day despite some minor drama! Here goes the admission of another love I have....Bear Lake! I don't know if there is a more beautiful lake in the USA. (Not that I have been to many lakes outside of Utah, I am just saying.) So last weekend when we went on a Bear Lake boating and camping trip, I thought I was in heaven. White sandy beaches, aqua blue water, family members to keep a smile on your face, and a campfire to sit and talk around at night, what more could a girl want!!! Julie loved walking up and down the beaches and looking for seashells.Jackson thought feeling the warmth on his back while laying the in the sand was wonderful! Jeffrey sat in his wheelchair on the beach trying to stay warm but not get a sunburn in the process!
James went on a tube ride with Chris where they bounced, held on tight, and crashed, thanks to Dave!
Caitlynn caught and frog and took Jackson over looking for more! He loved it!!!!
Plus, James, Dave & Chris enjoyed some swimming time in the middle of Bear Lake.Courtney & Camri made the trek all the way from Vegas to join us and we are so glad they came. Camri took her first steps on sand and had fun playing in the water. My mom and Grandma came up for a few hours on Saturday to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Everything was great and even a skunk sighting at 1am couldn't damper the mood of this wonderful vacation. Thanks to everyone who came and helped make this a vacation I really needed and thoroughly enjoyed! A special thanks for Dave & Brandy for giving us the chance to enjoy ourselves so much. And as for my two loves, hang in there, I will be back to experience you again!!!


Courtney said...

Oh man I LOVE that tube!!! It was alot of fun and thanks so much again for everything:) Love ya!

Diana said...

I didn't know you went tubing! Nothing slows you down! How fun!

Tim said...

It is hard to disagree with your two loves in life. I too have come to LOVE water skiing, boating, tubing, you name it. Anything in the water. Despite being probably one of the few people in this world who has had to receive stitches in their head, without any contact with a boat, or shore in the process. There is truly nothing better.

Karla said...

We like to refer to Bear Lake as blue koolaid! Love how pretty it is! You'll have to try another time to catch some Jeremy-style air, though, I'm afraid! :)

Leslie said...

I agree! Boating is wonderful. There is nothing like the feel of wind in your face as you balance on a couple skis in the water!

Suzanne Bjornn White said...

I'll always have good memories going boating with you guys at Bear Lake. I was always impressed that you would just jump right in the water, no hesitations. You're brave! :)

Cari said...

I found your blog! Looks like your family had a great summer!