Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quick Wit & A Special Thanks

Jackson was getting ready for school this morning and he was telling me that while they were out playing at lunch recess yesterday, it started raining. And now I am quoting Jackson, "My friend looked over at me and said, oh no, what are we going to do? Then I told him that the first thing we needed to do was find shelter." Do you think we talk about camping and hiking a little bit at our house? What a funny kid!

Most people are very aware of the fact that we like 80's music at our house. And a lot of those same people know that James' favorite band of all time is Depeche Mode. We have seen them in concert I think 4 different times with last time being in 2005 or 2006, where James won front row tickets off the radio. So when it was announced that they were coming to concert again, James and I talked and decided not to go since we thought there was no way we could beat our last experience. So we decided not to spend the money and buy tickets. Yesterday afternoon, James' little brother Joe called. He had bought tickets before he was married and now wasn't able to go. He graciously offered to give them to us to use. Our favorite price, FREE! So with my mom babysitting the kids, we headed down to the E-Center for another night of ear throbbing music. As always, they put on a great concert and we had a great time. What was even more exciting was the fact that we got to see Coby, Darby and his family, and Rich and Angie Fellows. Coby looked great and it was fun to see his smile. I have to say, I love being around Coby and hearing him laugh. He reminds me of Jeffrey in so many ways. It was a great concert but the first time we have seen DM in concert and they didn't sing Somebody. Oh well, we still had a great time! Thanks Joe for making James so happy, he really does love his DM music!


Courtney said...

Oh that's awesome of Joe for doing that for you guys! You deserve it:) I'm so excited for you and James. That's also cool that you got to see some old friends. Angie Fellows is so cute and funny:) I must admit that I would be pretty pissed if I went to a DM concert and they didn't sing their best song!!! Love you guys. xoxo

Cari said...

Your kids are so cute! So fun about DM too!