Thursday, July 30, 2009

Another Loaded Post...

It seems like no matter how often I update this blog, I am never caught up! I honestly have thought about skipping certain events but then I realize that this is my journal so I can't leave anything out. I hope everyone will bear with me and understand!!!
Courtney came home for the 4th of July and while she was here, she, James, Jackson, Julie and Camri hiked up Adams Canyon. Last time Courtney and James did this hike, they saw someone die. This time a lady broke her ankle. Needless to say, I will not be hiking up Adams Canyon with Courtney and James because you know that I will be the one that gets hurt. I am stating a fact and you all know it! A couple of days later, we rediscovered the beauty of the Drive-In. For a mere $20, we took the family and went and watched Up and The Proposal. It was great! Not only did our good friends the Deardens join us (a little FYI for everyone, Diana is not the innocent lady she seems to portray, she has a little rebel blood flowing through those veins of hers!) but we were able to watch these movies in incredible comfort. Next time you want to go to the Drive In, give us a call we will join you!We were invited to join James' co-worker and his family for a fun day at Lagoon a few days later. All of our kids get along so well and they are a lot of fun to hang out with. Here are a few pics of the eventful day! Thanks for the invite John, we all had a great time.I had the opportunity to take my Activity Day girls to the Temple Open House. What a beautiful temple it is! The girls did so well and I think they really felt the Spirit. As we sat in the sealing room and listened to a volunteer couple talk about the blessings of being an eternal family, I couldn't help but thank my Heavenly Father for allowing me the chance to spend eternity with James and the kids. It really wouldn't be heaven without my family and I will continue to try to live my life to the best of my abilities so that I can take advantage of this incredible gift. The girls all loved the baptismal font and talked about it all the way home. I am also grateful that I had Julie with me for this tour. It has been a great conversation subject for both of us on many occasions since then.
We go to a year round school so on July 20th, Julie and Jackson started school. I am so grateful that both my kids LOVE school and really enjoy their teachers this year. Here they are the first day of school.
Jeffrey celebrated another birthday on the 22nd! I can't believe how big he is getting. Everyday with Jeffrey is a gift. His laugh, smile, and overall spirit brings an element to my life that I didn't know was possible. Happy Birthday Big Guy! Thanks for making our family complete.
July 24th in Utah is Pioneer Day! This year, we made it a point to talk to the kids about what this day really means. I love the stories and courage of those early saints who crossed the plains with the Prophet Brigham Young and rejoiced with him when he said,"This is the place." Thanks to Jonny & Jared (they camped out over night!) we were able to get some great seats for the Days of '47 parade. We have never taken the kids and we had a great time. Thanks for the help Jonny & Jared! The floats were so elaborate and intricate. The entry that brought the biggest response from the crowd was the military personnel. Everyone stood and clapped and several of us were crying. Next, we headed to my Dad & Kaye's for a lunch. We had a great time talking with them. Kaye always gets some kind of craft for the kids to do while we talk and they love it. The kids also love to play with Jake & Abby, the dogs! It's funny how those two dogs can entertain my kids for hours. They blew bubbles for the dogs, threw toys for the dogs, drew pictures with chalk on the sidewalk for the dogs, and so much more. It was also great to visit with Alex! I am so proud of my little brother for completing paramedic school! Way to go Alex!!!!!!

Our last stop for the 24th was Chris & Beka's! We love spending time with the Gibbons family. The kids set up the Banzai and had a great time going down the slide. The only problem was that it was a little cold so it didn't last long. After dinner, Belinda and her kids showed up making for an even better evening! The kids & James all got into Chris & Beka's new hot tub and had a blast. James fell in love with the hot tub and mentioned that he would love one. I told him I would love a boat. We are currently in negotiations. I will let you know the outcome.
Just a little side note. Chris & Beka welcomed a little baby boy into their family on July 29th at 1:10pm. Tyler is thrilled to be a big brother and until his parents decide on what to name his little brother, he is calling him "son". Welcome to the family little man!!!! We are excited to add another great boy to the McBride clan!
*Update* His name is Ethan Trent Gibbons!


Kari and Jared said...

Wow! You have been busy. Looks like a fun summer.

Diana said...

Me a rebel? I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about!

Karla said...

Hot tub or boat...either way we'd love to try them out with you! We love having fun on the McBride water toys!

Oh, and I can't wait to see Diana's rebelious side. I'm sure it must have been something completely parking one foot into the drive aisle at the drive-in. Somehow, I just can't imagine much more than that from Diana!

Tim said...

You guys have to be the busiest (spelling?) that I know of!!! It sounds like you guys are having a great time though and we need to hang out again SOON

Sonnet said...

I know how you feel with the blogging I want to put everything on but I never seem to have enough time to put it all on. Looks like your happy little family is staying busy having fun this summer.