Wednesday, July 1, 2009


James and I are celebrating our anniversary today. I can't believe that we have been married for 15 years. In some ways, I can't remember life without James and in others, I remember our dating years like they were yesterday. James is truly my best friend. He is the only person that I honestly trust with all the thoughts that run free in this crazy head of mine. I am at my happiest when he is happy. James honors his priesthood with such integrity and love. He works hard and takes all of his responsibilities seriously. He is a great father and loves all of our kids so much. He is incredibly smart and isn't afraid to say,"I don't know the answer to that but give me some time and I will let you know." and then start researching. He is great at providing service to everyone around us and doesn't complain. James has a great sense of humor. Many of our friends have commented on how James will just sit and listen to a conversation and then suddenly say the funniest thing they have ever heard. Plus, he is really good looking!!!! Thanks for being my love, best friend, and hero. I love you James and I am excited to spend eternity with you!!!
*I am still scared to go down all the stairs in our house so I had to use a picture that was on our laptop. Sorry, no wedding pics this time!


Jimmy Mac said...

Thanks Short Stuff you are awesome...and as always spoiling me. I couldn't be the man (or most the time boy) I am without you. You support me in all my crazy things I do and are always there for me. You are an incredible woman with a spirit and smile that everyone is drawn to. I love you so much and look forward to our many more years of adventures...minus firepoles of course. I love you and I promise I will plan something for our Anniversary...I mean there is still a few hours left right?

Tammie & Jeff said...

Happy Anniversary. We love and miss you guys.

Diana said...

You are both amazing people! I feel so lucky to know you! Happy Anniversary!

Brooke said...

Yay! Happy Anni! I hope Andy and I still have the cute spark you two have at our 15th Year! Cute Blog!

Tim said...

Its awesome you guys have been married almost as long as you were single. Congrats to you guys

Courtney said...

Happy Anniversary guys! Man your old;)