Friday, December 17, 2010

Delivering Christmas Treats...

Last night we got together all of our neighbor gifts and headed out...First off, let me warn you that we got a late start because we had to help a friend before we could go out so if you got your gift at 9pm....SORRY and please don't report me to DCFS! It is the only time we could go out and just when we thought we would have to give up for the night, we drove past a friends house and we were blessed with the opportunity to serve them! It was such a great chance to spend just a little more time with this great family before they moved south. Today we will be delivering the last of our neighbor gifts! This year we gave out the standard plate of treats from our Annual McBride Candy Day. The other thing we gave out was a box of toothpaste with a note that said "May your Christmas be Shiny & White!" Please do not take this to mean we think you need to brush your teeth more. We just thought it would be a funny gift.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

as someone who got the toothpaste i must say that it was not only cute as the deliverer (Julie) but also very timely! so thanks!