Gratitude Post #21 - Jeffrey is grateful to know he can speak to our spirits without having to say a word!

Alright, I am going to preface this by saying that I am already crying as I type this. It is something that has been on my mind a lot lately and I am currently praying for help to direct me in a way that I can say what I want to on a grander scale, but for now, our silly little blog will have to do. Through our amazing friends, the Deardens (another blessing they have brought into our lives!), we have become closer friends with the Roe Family. John & Tauna are such great people and we would be friends with them just because they are so incredible, but the thing that makes their family shine the most is their little guy, McKay. He is an amazing 10 year old boy with a lot of the same diagnosis' as Jeffrey, but on a more severe level. I just know that McKay and Jeffrey were friends in the preexistence and are celebrating the fact that they get to spend time together now on earth! The great thing about their friendship is, I feel like I can actually hear their spirits talking to each other. Last week, we saw Tauna and McKay at their church. I went up to tell McKay hello and as we walked in, Jeffrey squealed "Hi!" I don't think that anyone really noticed but as I heard my little guy communicate with his friend, I knew I was witnessing a little gift from our Father. These 2 miracle boys really can communicate without saying a single word and that is the message that I am hoping to "get out there". (More on my endeavours with this will come at a later date.) But I have to share a special gift with you that our friend, Amy Alvord, shared with us. She wrote a song about Jeffrey and McKay and when you hear the music and the words together, it describes these 2 boys in a way that will touch your heart. Until we can get it recorded, this will have to do:
More than Words Can Tell
for Jeffrey & McKay
Every word spoken exacts a price.
The cost hard to know, words just come and they go
with no thought of how or why.
In life very few have never spent a word.
To a world of noise and care, filled with despair--
would their message be worth more than gold?
And if their days were few, and if they really knew
life was really as short as it is
Perhaps they would share a message more rare than words....
So listen to their voice,
A voice worth more than words.
Never a word.
For some speak more than words can tell.
Another day of being, they submit to all.
Through the endless pain, with nothing to gain
but pure joy in the moment of it all.
And those caring for these angels--not words enough divine.
In losing self they find a quiet peace of mind
ending up with more than they could ever give.
A smile lights the room, a hand clasp dispels gloom,
showing us that all may serve.
These angels in disguise have seen with blinded eyes
the Light, The Son.
So listen to their life,
So much to hear.
Can we hear?
For some know more than words can tell.
For some know more than words can tell.
So today, Jeffrey and I are grateful for more than words.

(The Beautiful Roe Family)
If you want to read more about McKay and his family, check out, or
I have loved reading these everyday, but wow, what a beautiful reminder to us that heaven is so much closer than we realize. I can't wait to hear the music with Amy's amazing words.
I can't believe how much Mckay has grown since I have seen him. Amazing these two little angels. I know Jeffrey is a big blessing in my life and he has such a sweet spirit, I know he and Mckay communicate with each other and with angels every day.
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