*I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who watches over me, listens to my prayers, loves me with a love I can not even fathom, and sees me for the person I am trying to be.
*I am grateful for the house we live in! It is such a blessing for our family to live in a rambler so that we have very few stairs to carry Jeffrey up and down. I also love my big open basement where I can hold big family gatherings, have game nights with friends, and hold youth discussions.
*I am grateful for the humor in my life. Whether it is the "out of the blue" hilarious comments James makes, hearing Jackson laugh hysterically at the silliest commercials on TV (here is his current favorite),
I also love hearing the humor of James chasing the kids around the house as they squeal with delight, or Julie dancing around the front room while Jeffrey laughs with his hand over his mouth thinking it is the funniest noise he has ever heard. I love the humor in our lives!
*I am grateful for my husband. (Without too much feeling...I don't want James to cry or anything...) James is responsible, compassionate, dedicated to his family, has his priorities in the right order, a hard working man (despite popular belief!), multi talented yet humble, a man worthy to hold the priesthood, an amazing father, and dare I say, sexy! I am so blessed that I have been able to be married to my best friend for over 16 years and into the eternities! I definitely married "up" and I strive everyday to be a better wife so that I can give him the support and love he deserves.
*I am grateful for the heat that is currently blowing through my house so that I don't freeze with the snow that is coming down right now.

Today I am grateful for many things that begin with the letter "H"!
Gender confused? Does your cat think it is a boy or a girl?
I love watching my husband play with my kids too. It just reinforces the choice made to marry them.
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