Thursday, May 3, 2007

Catch up....

Hi everyone!
We have had fun the past few weeks with some great things that have happened. I previously wrote about Jonny's being set apart and leaving for his misson but I wanted to include a picture because it makes things a little funner. Jonny is doing great in Brazil and is really picking up the language.

Julie learned how to climb the tree in my moms front yard. It's funny because I remember climbing that tree when I was little and thinking how I was hidden from the rest of the world and no one could see me. I used to take my book up there and read for hours. Now I look at that tree and think it isn't big at all but I hope it brings Julie the same excitement and imagination that it brought me. She sure is proud of herself for climbing it!

Everyone who knows me, knows that I throughly enjoy "Dancing with the Stars". While I cheer on Apolo and Julianne, Jackson cheers on John & Edyada (he does the voices in the Disney movies), and Julie is an avid fan of Billy Ray & Karina (he is on Hannah Montana). We have a great time and it has been fun for us as a family to get into. Julie has decided to take ballroom dancing lessons while Jackson likes "freestyling" it by himself already. Check out his new move.....What can I say....He is great!!!!!

Last Saturday, James and his friend, Tom, decided that it wasn't enough just to try and push their bodies for the 20 mile marathon training that they had that day. No, they were crazy and wanted to see how far they could push their bodies. So after their run that started at 4am, they went on a 50 mile bike ride with the young men. James figured he burned 6500 calories that day. Yes, I think he is stupid as well. After that, we had the honor of attending the baptism of my Aunt Gina. She is one of the truly kindest, most warm, and lovable people I have ever met. She has so many struggles in her life and yet, she smiles through them all and I am amazed at that kind of strength. When we heard she was being baptized, we knew we had to be there no matter how bad James hurt. James was touched when Gina asked him to give a talk on Baptism. It was a beautiful day and we were honored to be there.

On Monday, we were able to celebrate my moms birthday with her. We went to Garcia's for a great dinner (everyone knows Mexican food is the best for birthdays) and then back to Mom's to watch "Dancing with the Stars" (mom is a huge Apolo and Julianne fan as well, much to the disappointment of Julie!) and have cheesecake. It was fun to celebrate with mom and we hope she had a great birthday! James is in the process of making her a frame for the collage of pictures we had taken so it should be done in the next year or two. Just kidding James!

On Wednesday, we took the kids to a carnival at their school. They had a blast going through and around and on top of all the inflatable toys! Of course, Jeffrey had a great time because we all know how much he enjoys four wheeling in the wheelchair!!!!
The part that really surprised us was when Julie and Jackson decided to go on the rock climbing wall. Our children aren't known for their courage in physical challenges but they did great and loved it! We were really proud of them.

Tonight, the Young Women & Young Men in our ward participated in a mock earthquake disaster in an abandoned building. Boy, did this bring back memories for me! (Dad, remember how we discovered that Whatamacallit candy bars made the most realistic throwup after it had been chewed and how I would love to get the injury that required me to use the pump so I could shoot the blood all over the rescuers....Oh.....those were the days!) I loved getting these kids involved because it makes them realize that even though it is pretend and sometimes silly, it gives them a small taste of what really could happen in the major disaster or trauma. It was for a CERT team training and I let the kids get the bloody stuff this time. I did partcipate as a parent arriving on the scene and rushing into the building for my daughter. I know I am going to be horse tomorrow! It was a lot of fun and I hope that the kids will remember it for the rest of their lives. I am posting a few of their pictures and I am hoping that their parents don't mind (please, no one sue me over this!).

While I don't really want to post this around bloody pictures, it's just kind of the way it turned out. Last Sunday, James' Grandma Ginger passed away. While, as a family we are going to miss her, we know she is out of pain and in a much happier and more peaceful place. We leave tomorrow for a trip to AZ for the funeral. We should be home on Monday. We are excited to see all of James' family that we don't get to see very often. I will post when we get back. Lots of Love!

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