Yesterday James, Jeffrey & I went to Julie's class to celebrate her birthday. I love her teacher's teaching style and the way she guides her class with so much love but she expects a lot out of them. For her birthday, Julie had to take a bag filled with 3-D items that help answer these questions:
#1) Show something that is a hobby for you or something you like to do
Answer: Julie took a piece of sheet music wrapped in a bow because she loves to play the piano, sing, and listen to music.
#2) Show something that is your favorite
Answer: Julie took her Ramona Forever book because she loves that series
#3) Show a goal you have
Answer: Julie took a BYU shirt because her goal is to go there for school (yes, we are saving now!)
#4) Show something special about your family
Answer: Julie took her Make A Wish Barbie and told how our family is special because we get to have a Wish granted.
#5) Show somewhere you would like to go
Answer: Julie took a little black glittery sign that said "Wicked" because she wants to go to New York and see that play (yes, we ALL want to do that as well)
#6) Show something that triggers a memory for you
Answer: Julie took one of her chocolates that she made on candy day because that smells always reminds her of that special day and brings back lots of memories for her
#7) Show something you would like to be better at
Answer: Julie took a calculator because she would like to be better at math
#8) Show something that you do not like doing
Answer: Julie took the brush that we use to clean the dishes because she doesn't like to clean
#9) Show something that you are great at:
Answer: Julie took our Christmas Card and said that she was great at helping take care of Jeffrey.
#10) Show your favorite part of your summer vacation:
Answer: Julie showed the DVD from being in the 2 plays she was in
After this, her teacher has Julie stand up at the front of the classroom and each classmate has to say something that they like about Julie. The first person to talk is a special friend of Julie's, Emily Alverson. She told the class that Julie is the best friend she has ever had. I lost it! Then Bugs told the class that Julie was a pretty good cousin. And on and on it went! So many times we heard how great of a friend Julie was and how kind she was to everyone. It warmed my heart to hear these things. Then, her teacher told the class that Julie was one of the most kind students she had ever had in all her years of teaching. She continued with saying that Julie was friends with everyone and that that is the best compliement she could give anyone because it was such an important trait in life. She asked James and I if we had a compliment to share with the class about Julie. I said that she always has a smile on her face and James said that she is silly, just like him! It was a great way to wind down the celebrating of her 10th birthday. Happy Birthday Goose! We are so grateful that you are in our family and love the silly giggles, constant singing, and wonderful spirit you bring into our home. WE LOVE YOU!
7 years ago
1 comment:
That is such a cute idea for the classroom! Glad she had such a great birthday!
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