Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gratitude Post #9 - Julie

Gratitude Post #9 - Julie is grateful for The Temple!
I am grateful for temples because they bring me closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus they are beautiful, they make me feel warm. When I went to the oaker mountain temple open house, I felt peace, comfort, and warmth. My favorite place inside the temple was when I got to see the Bridal Dressing Room because it was so beautiful and I want to get married there. Someday I will go to the temple!


Daisy Chick said...

What a wonderful idea. I loved reading your gratitude posts. They are truly beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration. I am Grateful for your family. Hope you all have a great night.

Courtney said...

Such a great post Julie! That picture of the two of you on top is so adorable!!! Love and miss you all!

Courtney said...

PS Jerk! Why am I not on your blog lists?? You hate me?;)

Patricia said...

Beautiful pictures and I am so grateful for thmple and to be abled to be sealed to my family forever. Great job Julie.