I am so grateful for all the traditions that we have in our families. For James and his family, Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without candy day, the acting out of thenativity or the ringing of the bell to open each and every present. With my dad, it's the constant teasing about how much he hates Christmas when in all reality, we all know he would search high and low to get the kids whatever present they desire. With my moms side, it is the extended family Christmas get together with all the loud laughter and teasing you can imagine, along with little smokies and BBQ sauce. And who can forget the annual reading of the story Mr & Mrs Wright! We have started a few traditions around here that I really enjoy. We started caroling to a few of our neighbors with some of our friends last year and it was so much fun that we have decided to make it an annual tradition! Going on a special "Polar Express" with a bunch of new friends, is another tradition we started last year and are continuing this year as well. And delivering the multitudes of neighbor gifts that I insist we deliver much to the dismay of James! I love the fact that I try and read a few of the different versions of the events and actual birth of our Savior, from the scriptures, in front of the Christmas tree. And there is nothing like singing Christmas carols with my family doing our everyday life living! I am so grateful for all the smiles, laughs, and tender moments that these traditions bring into my life and I am so grateful for them!

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