Tomorrow is my Brother-in-Laws birthday and I would love to go to dinner with him and celebrate his special day. That won't be happening because Dan is serving in the Air Force on a 6 month tour to Afghanistan. He won't be having birthday cake, or opening presents with his family. He has given up such a large chunk of time to help protect our freedoms and serve the people of Afghanistan. I can honestly say, I am proud of you Dan. Another one of my Brother in Laws', Coach Joe, served in the Air Force as well. When Court & Joe were engaged, Joe left for a 6 month tour to Iraq. My cousin Chris, serves in the Army. He went to Afghanistan for a year and missed the first year of his daughters life. A good friend of ours serves in the Army and wasn't able to be there for his family while his new little daughter battled cancer. My dad served in the Navy and did a tour in Washington State during Desert Storm while I was in ninth grade. My step-mom, Kaye, served in the Navy as an officer. Both of my Grandpa's and both of James' Grandpa's served in the Armed Forces. So many incredible people and at such a high cost! Yet, if you ask them, they are glad they did it. My cousin will tell you without skipping a beat that if he didn't have a family, he would go back in a heartbeat. These wonderful people serve and do their jobs no matter the cost. THEY GIVE UP SO MUCH! I am honored to know them and I am so grateful for their service to our country and my family. THANK YOU!

*Yes, some of these pictures were stolen off Facebook....Sorry boys!
Thanks Jenni:) Happy B-day Dan!!!
Some of the best sons of our country and our God serve in the military. Thank you to all of you and your families--we owe you our deepest gratitude for your sacrifice and service. May the choicest blessings this world has to offer be yours.
And Happy Birthday, Dan!
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