Alright, I understand that James already posted about our friends but this is a twist on that. I guess it isn't so much about friends but about the youth of Jeffrey's generation. When Jeffrey finished with 6th grade, I will admit, I was scared for him to go to Junior High. I remember how much teasing and harassment the kids who were physically and mentally disabled endured when I was in junior high and I didn't want Jeffrey to suffer through that. Not that Jeffrey would understand what was going on, but I would. I really struggled and prayed that this horrible treatment wouldn't happen to Jeffrey. We were fortunate enough to get into a program at the local junior high and when I met the teacher who would be running the program he was enrolled in, my fears were put to rest. She assured me that her peer tutor program was the "cool class" to take at school. And I soon found out how true that was. In making this program "cool", the peer tutors started to develop true friendships with the other kids like Jeffrey whom they were serving. We were amazed at the scrapbook pages, cards, and gifts Jeffrey would bring home from his new friends. Then it was time for Jeffrey to enter high school and the nervousness started to settle in again. Fortunately, I had developed a faith in Jeffrey's new friends and this generation. I knew that Jeffrey's winning smile and funny personality could win them over! I was right. Everywhere we go in our city, we hear teenagers say, "Hey Jeffrey" "Hi Jeff" and they come over to touch his slobbered on hand. It melts my heart every time. Jeffrey even has a best friend in our neighborhood who comes and checks on Jeffrey, hangs out with him, eats lunch with Jeffrey, and will sit and talk with him for long periods of time. This young man means so much to our family! This summer we received a letter in the mail from a young woman who told us that Jeffrey was her best friend. That she missed him so much and even though Jeffrey couldn't communicate verbally with her, she understood what he was trying to say. Then just a few weeks ago we received a phone call telling us that Jeffrey needed to be at school for his choir concert at a certain time. We had never had a peer tutor be so insistent that Jeffrey come to an after school activity. This young lady made sure Jeffrey was included in his Men Choir performance and held onto his wheelchair while Jeffrey did his best to wheel his chair off the stage and clapped the entire time. It was so cute! When we asked her when she was singing, she let us humbly know that she was only there for Jeffrey, she wasn't in any choir groups! All of these wondeful youth make me realize we are blessed to have them in our lives. So today I am grateful for the youth and Jeffrey's really are the best!!!!
7 years ago
Jennifer, I too was extremely concerned about Jeffrey in school. But after seeing his friends in the pool and at church around him, they are awesome.
OKAY!!! I am bawling my eyes out... I can't even see what I'm typing! Jeffrey is the most precious blessing that Heavenly Father has given to our family and ALL those who have been so privileged and blessed to have them in their lives! I love and miss this man honestly more than anything in Utah! I miss his sweet laugh and smile and innocence. I love him so much and am so grateful also that he is being treated with kindness and love. NO ONE deserves it more than him! Give him a BIG kiss from his favorite person;) xoxoxoxo
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