Yesterday was crazy busy for James and I. We are in the process of a big project and by 4pm yesterday, we were beat! We went to go and pick up Jeffrey from James' mom and she mentioned that he didn't want to eat much at lunch and that he had a lot of mucus stuff coming out of his mouth. James went to pick him up and there was vomit all over the chair with a rubber tire and piece of a toy in the throw up. We got him all cleaned up and thought he was doing better until about an hour later when he still wouldn't eat or drink anything. After some discussion, we took him to McKay Dee where they x rayed him and told us they couldn't see the part but to do further work on him, they would need to send him to Primarys since he has so many complications. BUT we could take him home and observe him if we felt like he was doing better. At that point, Jeffrey was clapping, talking, and not drooling as much. We thought we would take him home and things would be alright. Around 1am, James had the distinct impression to go and sleep with Jeffrey. Not 10 minutes later, Jeffrey started throwing up dried blood. We got him ready and James rushed him to Primarys where the doctor tried to give James the run around by saying it was his head shunt and not his throat...They finally got around to a swallow test at 7:30am (over 6 hours later!) and sure enough, they could see something stuck in the lining of his throat. The surgeons came in and said they would do a scope within a couple of hours. Fast forward to 3pm, they come to take Jeffrey to the OR. Jeffrey was in serious pain at this point and crying even with Morphine in his system (Jeffrey RARELY cries because of physical pain, most of the time it is because someone else is upset or crying.) When the doctor came to report afterwards, he handed us a specimen cup with 2 plastic pieces about the size of quarters that they worked really hard to pull out. They are worried that they may have torn the lining in his throat so we are staying overnight tonight. The great news is that he should have minimal pain now. We will keep everyone posted and thank you for the love and prayers. They were felt and heard.
6 years ago
Jenni we are thinking of you! Much love!
OH my goodness Jenni! Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys I hope he can recover quickly and you don't have any more problems. You and James are such great parents I'm glad I have such great examples! Keep it up! and keep us posted :)
I'm so sorry you all had to go through all that - especially Jeffrey! Poor kid! I was surprised to see Jackson in primary - he did an awesome job on his talk! I can't believe how fast they're all growing.
I hope tonight goes really well for you guys - I'll be thinking of you!
I'm so sorry Jenni! Poor Jeffery. That looked so painful! We are praying for you guys.
Our prayers are with you, and hope you have a good night.
PLEASE!! If there is anything we can do for ya let us know. I am glad they were able to figure out what was going on and fix the problem. Things should go better from here. Here is such an amazing kid.
Oh my heavens Jenni...our prayers and thoughts are with you. Please keep us updated and if we can do anything please let me know!!
I am so sorry to hear about this it just breaks my heart. I am so glad that he is ok. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Poor Jeffery! Did you find out what he swallowed? I just feel so bad for all of you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call, the number is the same.
Love you and I'll keep you in our prayers!
We love you Jeffrey! We hope that you recovery quickly! Jenni/James-you better call if you need anything!
Yikes! Poor Jeffrey. We hope he is doing better now. Aren't you so thankful that James had the inspiration to go check on Jeffrey during the night?
Please give him loves from Aunt Court!!! xoxox
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