Thanks McKell.....I always love these things....Can you hear the sarcasm in my voice because I am laying it on pretty thick! Just kidding. Here you go:
8 TVs shows I enjoy:
1. The Office...If you never saw the episode where they ran a 5K for Rabies please go watch. It is hilarious! Especially the bloody nipples part. As someone who is married to a runner who has experienced bloody nipples and seen many runners cross finish lines with bloody nipples, there is no topping it!
2. The Amazing Race...Jimmy and Tommy, we are still watching and waiting for you to make your appearance!
3. Dancing with the Stars....Julie & I watch this together and she wants me to write that it is officially amazing!
4. Ace of Cakes....Great fun for the whole family!
5. American Idol....Who can resist Simon making people feel like they are two feet tall
6. Pushing Daisies....Funny and different than anything else on TV
7. Law & Order: SVU....Sometimes it gets a little too intense but I love it!
8. Jon & Kate Plus 8....Definitely a family favorite....Makes us laugh and feel more normal
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. El Matador
2. Garcia's
3. Robintino's
4. Olive Garden
5. El Burrito
6. Training Table
7. Costa Vida or Cafe Rio
8. Chili's
Guess what kind of food we all like at our house!
8 Things That Happened Yesterday
1. Julie went to choir practice
2. Julie & Jackson went on a walk with my mom and Jeffrey went to school
3. James went to work
4. I did laundry and dishes :(
5. Had dinner with Kari & 2 Jareds
6. I stressed about the boutique at my house on the 11th but not enough to do anything about it
7. James went for a run at lunch
8. James & I had the privilege of going to a BYU football team devotional! (It was amazing and just what I needed!!!)
8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
1. Julie turning 8 in December and getting baptized in January
2. Watching Jackson do good at his soccer game tomorrow
3. Jeffrey to be back to his "normal" completed and done!!!!!!
4. Getting back to subbing....I have to say, I love this job.
5. The Twilight movie release
6. Paying off the van!
7. Always looking forward to camping and boating vacations....Especially Bear Lake!
8. Spending eternity with James and my kids!
8 People I am tagging:
1. Marcie
2. Sonnet
3. Lisa T
4. Karla
5. Emily C
6. Kari
7. Heather
8. Tammie
7 years ago
Nice list. I totally spaced El Matador, that is almost a sin. Especially because I work across the street from the one in Ogden. I also enjoy the office.
Seriously Tim.....No one can forget El Matador.....Get it together man! :)
A...I am guessing that you guys really like Mexican? hahaha
at the byu devotional, did a Brock Richardson speak? he looks like Dwayane "the rock" Johnson? Yeah, that's my nephew. Total stud. He usually speaks by default because he is such a natural. Let me know, he's rad.
It's funny you hate these so much yet you filled it out anyway.... Ha ha well at least I know more random things about you now! Ha Ha You guys are awesome!
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