Sunday, December 12, 2010

Has Anyone Seen Santa?

I have! I had the pleasure of escorting him on Saturday morning to 2 ward parties, a Soccer Christmas Celebration and a private greeting to a cute 6 year old girl. It was an honor and privilege to drive him around and I am glad I had the opportunity to do it!

PS It's a little known fact that Santa gets really hot when he leaves the North Pole since he is so used to cold weather. It isn't uncommon for Santa to sweat like crazy when he is visiting kids before Christmas!

1 comment:

Diana said...

I hope that Jeffrey, Julie and Jackson didn't catch mommy kissing Santa Claus! When I started reading your P.S. I thought you were saying that Santa looked really "hot" in his suit. Then I kept reading and got the real meaning, but I thought my first impression made for some good reading!