Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Caroling

Tonight was a continuation of a tradition we started last year. I love getting everyone bundled up and singing and delivering treats to people in our area who may need a special pick me up. We hit 11 homes this year and I hope they enjoyed listening to our funny crew as much as we enjoyed doing it. We took a special visitor with us this year, and boy was Cooper a big hit! We may have to take him with us each year from now on. Then we ended up back at our house for treats and hot chocolate which turned into a party that ended at 11pm. It was a great night and I loved just hanging out with our friends and discussing everything from the movie, The Last Airbender, to concealed weapons permits! Very random and great conversations. It was a great Family Home Evening and reminder that not only is this time of year a celebration of His birthday but a reminder about the type of life our Savior led. Only 5 more days! YIKES!


Diana said...

It was so nice to relax with friends, thanks for coordinating a wonderful night!

Cari said...

You sure do stay busy during the month of December! I wish I could have heard you all caroling and James sing Joseph; that is my favorite song of all time.

When I was growing up there was a man in our ward who would stop by the house on Christmas Eve as Santa. My dad told me this year that each family he visited did pay him but he always donated all the money to the boy scouts. He loved playing Santa and the scouts sure loved the extra support!